At home on Laurel Canyon Boulevard, Hollywood, California
The First Year
This home was built by
"Welcome to Holywood California, Inc."
and was used as the party house for
The President of the Flying Tiger Lines
Patricia and Edward were married
in Las Vegas Nevada in 1966
Christmas 1968
Eddie was born at the
Hollywood Hospital on
September 1, 1968
Marilyn was Pat's niece from
Kalamazoo, Michigan.
She moved to California with us
to help Pat care for Eddie.
Shatze was a German Sheppard puppy
we invited into our home because of our "remote" location in the Hollywood
He was sent back to the kennel when he devoured my new Alligator shoes.
Brother Forrest ("Duke") was a frequent guest at Pat and Edward's home.
Pat had two children from
a previous marriage.
Jane and James Rooney
Marque and Philippe visit California
and get all dressed up with Pat to see
the musical
at the Aquarius Theater in Hollywood
At home on Central
Park South, New York, New York
The second year
Edward and Pat moved to New York City where Edward assumed
his duties as
President and Chief Development Officer of Yardney Electric Corporation
My name is
Edward Izard Doucette II
and I am 1 year old.
Halloween in New York City
Pat's mother and father
from Kalamazoo, Michigan
At home on Fruitville
Pike, Sarasota,Florida
The third year
Pat and Edward visit
Mother and Dad at
Orange Blossom Estates
Sebring, Florida
Edward Pat and Forrest
in Sebring, Florida
Edward and Pat
in Sebring, Florida
Pat's mother in Sarasota
with the kids
A big back yard. lots to do.

Eddie's last picture

Eddie died on Sept 19, 1971 as a result of a swimming
pool accident.
Eddie was buried with his tricycle in Palm Memorial Park Gardens,
Sarasota, Florida
(His burial site is on the western edge of the northwest sector of
the cemetary)