My Orchids
(mil-TOH-nee-a) Pearl Ono'Ilieai' (Echo Bay x Lorene) Dedicated to Earl Fitzwilliam, Viscount Milton of Wentworth house, Yorkshire England. Common name - The Pansy Orchid. |
(mil-TOH-nee-a) Albacete "Yellow Imperial" Mt. Hood "Ono" Dedicated to Earl Fitzwilliam, Viscount Milton of Wentworth house, orkshire England. Common name - The Pansy Orchid. |
(mil-TOH-nee-a) Jean Sabourin "Vulcan" (Aurora x Piccadilly) Dedicated to Earl Fitzwilliam, Viscount Milton of Wentworth house, orkshire England. Common name - The Pansy Orchid. |
(KAT-lee-a) Slc.Tiny Titan (Sc.Beaufort x Slc.Precious Stories) C. Dedicated to William Cattley, a 19th century English horticulturist: one of the earliest persons to build a collection of exotic orchids. This genus is called the "Corsage" Orchid, however, a lot of the Cattleyas have their own nick names. |
(on-SID-ee-um) Colm. Wildcat "Bobcat" (Odtna. Rustic Bridge X Odcdm. Crowborough) Onc. (Gr.: diminutive of onkostumor; swelling) In allusion to the warty calluses on the lip of all Oncidium species. Common name - The Dancing Dolls or Dancing Ladies Orchids because the blooms are strung out like a chorus line. |
(Gower Ramsey X Sweet Sugar) Onc. (Gr.: diminutive of onkostumor; swelling) In allusion to the warty calluses on the lip of all Oncidium species. Common name - The Dancing Dolls or Dancing Ladies Orchids because the blooms are strung out like a chorus line |
(paff-i-e-PEE-di-lum) Goltenianum album "France" x Appletonianum album "Foret" Paph. (Gr.: of Paphos, epithet of Venus: sandal) From the slipper- shaped lip. Common name - The Lady's- Slipper Orchid. |
(den-DROH-bee-um) Andree Miller x Roy Tokunaga Den. (Gr.: tree: life) Refers to the genus epiphytic habit. The name meaning "living on a tree" is curiously parallel to the meaning of Epidendrum. |